Part four of Tenants, by Kevin McClintock, has been released by Dark Moon Digest and will be part of Kevin's own book of short novellas very soon. Kevin let me have a chance to beta read Tenants before he releases it, and let me tell you, it's good.
I'm not just some friend of a writer saying someone is good. This is very good. Kevin has the makings of all the great writers of this generation. He pulls you along, kicking and screaming if he has to, all the way to the very end. The writing is phenomenal.
Are there authors he reminds me of? Maybe a little like Matheson. But Kevin is his own beast. He writes stories that really get inside of your head and won't let go.
Kevin brings us on a journey with a young lady who is a conduit for spirits from beyond the grave. Those spirits want payback against murderers and worse, taking control of the young lady to exact their revenge. All the while, she is trying to make it to her daughter's grave, found in Joplin, where she hopes the horrible possessions will stop.
The story starts with a bang and ends just as explosively. This is a story I would recommend to any of my friends.
The collection will be titled "No Vacancies," out of Dark Moon Books, available on Amazon and Barnes/Nobles in early 2012.